York Region 
Community Choir

Upcoming Performances

  • 05 Sep 2023 11:20 AM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    Our Winter Concert, HOLIDAY LIGHTS, will take place at Trinity Anglican Church in Aurora on Sunday, December 3rd, 2023, at 3:00 in the afternoon. 

    YRCC Members, make plans to be busy all day, and invite your friends and family to take you out for dinner after! Or, maybe you'll want to go home and put your feet up after, so invite friends and family over and order in! Cheers!

    Also, choristers, keep Tuesdays free all December long, Dec. 5, 12, 19. We'll be visiting seniors homes to sing some of our repertoire and to do some sing-alongs. 

  • 19 Apr 2023 11:39 AM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    We have 6 visits planned for our Spring Seniors Tour so far. Please keep on checking the YRCC Google Calendar for details. Every Tuesday after the concert, we're going to different seniors' residences, assisted living centres, retirement homes, long-term care facilites, etc., to sing for groups of seniors where they live. We perform a selection of our concert songs and spend half an hour singing with the seniors, a sing-along of old standards, familiar to most. 

  • 03 Apr 2023 12:15 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

  • 27 Mar 2023 7:05 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    Start selling tickets!

    We've got a beautiful poster and you can buy tickets at choir starting tomorrow, and Carol will take calls to process payment online too!

    Everyone gets the seniors' discount: only $20 

    Saturday, March 6th 3:00

    So, you'll be able to go out to dinner with your concert guests!

    It's going to be a fun and inspiring evening. 

  • 23 Jan 2023 6:56 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    Our Spring Concert will take place on the first weekend of May.

    We wanted our concert to be the Sunday afternoon, May 7th, but somehow we didn't get it. So, we booked Saturday, May 6th for a 3:00 concert. If the 7th opens up in time, we will switch. 

    This will be our big We Rise Again concert with a theme of Sunshine and Happiness arising from Singing Together

  • 27 Nov 2022 2:48 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    Right after the concert, our seniors' tour starts with a visit to Mackenzie Place in Newmarket, Tuesday, December 6th at 7:00 for a half hour show/half hour sing-along to lift spirits for the holidays. We have 3 seniors' visits planned, all listed in our YRCC Calendar. Keep posted for details, like do you we have to come early for rapid tests or not? TBD.

  • 20 Nov 2022 8:17 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    Lauren made this fantastic poster, even drawing the tree and singers herself! Thank you so much, Lauren! You'll see her artwork on the tickets and programs too. 

    Get your tickets in advance by calling Karen, or on choir nights, choir members can purchase tickets from Karen as well, and we have Square so you don't have to have cash or a cheque. All tickets are $20. 

  • 20 Oct 2022 7:33 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    The York Region Community Choir

    Merrily Singing Together:

    A Real Live Holiday Concert

    3:00pm on Sunday, December 4tt

    at Trinity Anglican Church in Aurora 

  • 24 Jul 2022 2:00 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    This performance was cancelled due to rain.

    We're going to sing together at Fairy Lake again, but this time we can have an audience!

    Tell your friends and family. Sunday, July 24th in the afternoon, 2-3:30.

    All members are welcome to put on black and white weather-appropriate clothes and come and sing! We're going to sing all of our old favourites, so you won't feel like you missed rehearsals. The small group that has been meeting can sing a couple of new songs as a small group. We'll have all the binders for everyone there. 

    Hallelujah, You Raise Me Up, On Eagles Wings, You'll Never Walk Alone, Blue Skies, Somewhere Out There, ... I'll post the order on my blog again. 

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