York Region 
Community Choir

Upcoming Performances

  • 04 Nov 2018 3:50 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    Join the York Region Community Choir at their annual winter concert on Sunday, December 2nd, 2018 as they bring to light the meaning of Fa-la-la.

    The holidays are a time to share meaningful music with messages of love and peace.

    But, sometimes, we forget to pay attention. We play and sing and listen to the same music year after year. 

    What does it mean to you? What is the meaning of Fa-la-la?

  • 04 Sep 2018 7:58 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

  • 26 Aug 2018 7:56 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    YRCC will be joining the York Regional Police Male Chorus and other guests, the Waterloo Regional Police Male Chorus and the Opera York Children's Chorus for the YRPMC 26th annual Community Fundraising Concert. Mark your calendars!

  • 06 Feb 2018 8:35 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    Sunday, May 6th at 3:00

    New day and time for our spring concert.

    We listened. 

    Some folks were saying that they wished our spring concert could be in the afternoon so that their young children could come. Others wished the same for their elderly parents. So, we're going to try this afternoon thing this year. 

    Same weekend, first weekend of May, but Sunday afternoon!

    Let's include everyone!

  • 16 Dec 2017 11:41 AM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    Monday, December 18th is our last performance of 2017. We're at Mackenzie Place in Newmarket for a half-hour show and a half-hour sing-along.

    Choristers, please be sure to check the Event listing to see if you are registered to come. We can always squeeze in a few extras, but not too many. Tenors and Basses are always welcome!

    What a wonderful year we've had, and I'm already excited for next year!

    Sing with your families at Christmas! Sing by the fireplace, sing in the kitchen, sing in the car, sing in the shower, sing, sing, sing!

  • 06 Nov 2017 8:24 AM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)


  • 22 Oct 2017 7:44 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    3:00 at Trinity Anglican Church in Aurora on Sunday, December 3rd we sing!

    Book your friends and family now. Hey, you can all go out for dinner after the concert, or you can have them all over at your house for some light snacks, since they'll all be stuffed from our bake sale!

    River, We Rise Again, Hallelujah, Somewhere a Child is Sleeping- so many good Canadian songs! Barenaked Ladies, snow, and Christmas, oh my!

  • 14 Oct 2017 10:34 AM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    Our Oct. 15 Concert in support of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will support their special new project:

    The Aurora Community Café is a non-profit café with a social purpose involving local non-profit organizations, faith communities and individuals working together to
     - serve fair-trade coffee, tea, and freshly baked goods
    - offer work experience to adults with disabilities in a supportive environment
    - create a space for the community to come together
    Open every Wednesday starting November 8th from 10am – 2pm 
    (Located in St. Andrew’s, 32 Mosley St. – Victoria St. Entrance)

  • 17 Sep 2017 7:55 AM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    Our fundraising concert for St. Andrew's is on October 15th at 2pm.

    Tickets at the door will be $30. So, get yours in advance. I'll put an order in with Enid. 

    Tickets in advance are:

    Single $25.- Student/Senior $20. 

    Family of 4 $50. any combination.

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