York Region 
Community Choir

Upcoming Performances

  • 26 Apr 2022 4:49 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    Members please check the Calendar for dates, times, locations (with maps) of the seniors' homes we will be visiting this spring. 

    Remember that we will need to be at least 15-20 minutes early for testing and/or screening at most places. 

  • 24 Jan 2022 6:55 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    Stay tuned. 2022 Spring Concert is being planned (date TBD) We Rise Again/Here Comes the Sun! There has to be light at the end of this pandemic. 

  • 16 Jul 2021 12:51 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    Stay Tuned! We're hoping to have a Winter 2021 Concert and a tour of seniors' homes performances. 

  • 02 May 2020 3:00 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)



    Save the Date!

    Our spring concert is on Saturday, May 2nd in the afternoon!

    Written in the Stars is a concert about Love,

    the kind of love that you know is your destiny,

    because you see the world as a new and wonderful thing

    through your new eyes, awakened by this true love,

    and this is your true home, this new beautiful world

    with this beautiful person who loves you. 

  • 19 Nov 2019 7:58 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

  • 02 Sep 2019 9:40 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    Our winter concert takes place on Sunday, December 1st in the afternoon. We are performing at Trinity Anglican Church in Aurora, as usual. 

    We hope to see all of our wonderful fans at this wonderful concert to kick off the holiday season with songs of winter, love, and Christmas.

    YRCC members start rehearsing on Monday, September 9th.

  • 05 May 2019 7:29 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    YRCC is on tour. We're bringing our show to a number of local seniors' homes for the next several Mondays, including our first show in Richmond Hill!

    July and August are resting months.

    In September, we'll be rehearsing again for our Winter show on December 1st!

    You can mark your calendars ;-)

  • 23 Mar 2019 12:58 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    This year's Spring Concert is called Just Love: it's all we need. 

    Love is all we need to feel good about ourselves and to feel good about others. We need just love in our families, in our communities and in the world.

    Music provides inspiration to make the world a better place with love, just love.

    The YRCC will sing, with love in our hearts, about love.

    And, our message will be that love can change a person, a family, a community, and ultimately the world.

    We continue to sing a message of peace through song. Our feeling, our belief, is that singing together moves people towards peace and brings us closer to Peace on Earth.

  • 03 Feb 2019 6:58 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    Our Love theme concert is taking place on a Saturday night- perfect for a date with your sweetie, or to come and watch your sweetie sing!

    Saturday, May 4th in the evening.

  • 10 Nov 2018 9:45 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    December 2nd at 3:00 at Trinity Church Aurora

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