York Region 
Community Choir

About the choir

 The York Region 

Community Choir  

The mission of the York Region Community Choir is to provide residents of York Region with a fun and challenging musical outlet and to offer seniors entertaining performances and the opportunity to sing old favourites with the choir.

Established in Newmarket in 1995, The York Region Community Choir is a non-auditioning mixed adult choir. Members of the choir benefit from this active outlet for musical expression, and also consider it a fun way to contribute to the community. Weekly, through our songs, we explore the big themes of life with kindred spirits. The choir also enriches the quality of life of seniors in the community by visiting retirement residences and care homes, giving seniors entertaining and inspiring performances and the opportunity to sing with the choir with sing-along selections. The choir has performed at several community events over the years, including the Aurora Relay for Life and the York Region Character Community Awards Celebration. The York Region Community Choir puts on two public performances every year, in December and May.

The YRCC singing season runs from September to June. We meet on Tuesdays from 7:30-9:30 in the Seminar Room in the York Region Administrative Centre on Yonge Street in Newmarket. (For many years we met on Monday evenings.)

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