York Region 
Community Choir

Upcoming Performances

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  • 04 Jan 2015 7:24 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)
    Help us celebrate 20 years of singing together at our Anniversary Concert
    on Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 at 7:00 in the evening at Trinity Anglican Church in Aurora.

  • 07 Dec 2014 2:00 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    Save the date!

    Sunday, December 7th at 2:00 in the afternoon

    We Are Winter: Survive, Celebrate, Sing!

    Our annual winter concert takes its inspiration from the Canadian Winter Olympic Team who declared that "We Are Winter!" Winter is part of our identity. We not only survive its challenges, but also find ways to enjoy ourselves and to thrive. Through our music, we will celebrate the holidays, the beauty of our country in winter, and the indomitable spirit of our people. 

  • 12 Sep 2014 4:00 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    Trix Verge and Ron Thomas have hired the York Region Community Choir to sing at their wedding!

    We will sing our Trix up the aisle and we'll sing the new couple back down the aisle. We will also entertain the guests during the signing of the papers. 

    We hope for good weather, as the ceremony will take place outdoors at Fairy Lake. (There is a back-up plan; no worries.)

    Choristers can go to the members only section and calendar for details. 

  • 03 May 2014 7:30 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

    Take Me Home 
    will feature songs of Canada and by Canadians 
    and music that takes us home. 

    In addition to the fantastic choral arrangements for the 65-member choir accompanied by our wonderful pianist, Sapphire Navaratnarajah, there will be solos and small group offerings, some accompanied by guitarists (Kevin Thompson, Kevin Jaques and Heather Vickers). You'll hear all kinds of music from Gordon Lightfoot and Leonard Cohen to the Beatles, Brahms and Verdi! The concert will also feature our famous intermission bake sale, which is really an all-you-can-eat baking extravaganza. 
    Tickets are $15 each, but if you buy in advance from one of the choir members, they're 2/$25! 
  • 03 May 2014 7:30 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)
  • 26 Jan 2014 6:30 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)
    Arts Richmond Hill presents the 5th Annual Choral Extravaganza!
    This year the York Region Community Choir will be one of 9 choirs participating!

    We will sing a few songs of our own and at the end all choirs will join together for 3 mass chorus pieces! It's going to be huge! Around 250 voices!

    Buy tickets from YRCC members. Tickets are also available through members of other choirs and the Arts Richmond Hill Website.

    Come and see us and hear us on Sunday, January 26th at 6:30 at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts on Yonge St. north of Major Mackenzie. 

    You can get tickets online, but we'd prefer if you got your tickets from us! Contact any choir member or send us an email through the Contact Us! page here on the website. ($20 adults/$10 students)

    Choristers: Please see Calendar for details
  • 21 Dec 2013 1:00 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)
    Performing at Hillary House at the Aurora Historical Society Event
    Hillary House National Historic Site: 15372 Yonge St. Aurora.

    Saturday, December 21: York Region Community Choir

    Time: 1:00 - 2:00 pm

    Location: Hillary House

    Cost: Free with admission ( $3 adults, $2 seniors and youth 12 & under)

    Experience the wonderful acoustics of Hillary House during this live performance.  Before or after enjoying the music feel free to explore the building and exhibits!  Children can participate in crafts and activities throughout the day.

    Hillary House is open Wednesday to Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm December 4 - 21.

    Explore Hillary House and see the gorgeous holiday decorations, including two historic Christmas trees (done by our friends at the Aurora Horticultural Society. Visit the three 2013 exhibits before they are gone! Crafts, activities and more for the young and young-at-heart.

    Regular admission fees apply.

  • 14 Dec 2013 2:00 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)

  • 29 Nov 2013 12:00 PM | Renate Naghavi (Administrator)
    We're singing at lunchtime to help to create a festive atmosphere at the United Way Craft and Gift Show at the York Region Administrative Centre on Yonge St. 
    Come and shop and hear us sing.

    The Regional Municipality of York and York Regional Police will hold its 20th Annual York Region United Way Craft and Gift Show in support of United Way York Region. The event will take place on Friday, November 29 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the York Region Administrative Centre, located at 17250 Yonge Street in the Town of Newmarket. The show includes vendors representing local artisans from across York Region and the GTA, selling gifts galore, perfect for Santa’s check list, stocking stuffers and the person who has everything. Both parking and admission to the show are free and there is an ATM on-site for your convenience.

  • 30 Sep 2013 3:46 PM | Deleted user
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