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99 photo(s)
Updated on: 29 Jan 2025
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YRCC singing at the 20th YRP Male Chorus Concert, "In Harmony with the Community", Nov 17, 2012 at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Parish, Newmarket, Ont.
YRCC singing at the 20th YRP Male Chorus Concert, "In Harmony with the Community", Nov 17, 2012 at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Parish, Newmarket, Ont.
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YRCC singing at the 20th YRP Male Chorus Concert, "In Harmony with the Community", Nov 17, 2012 at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Parish, Newmarket, Ont.
YRCC singing at the 20th YRP Male Chorus Concert, "In Harmony with the Community", Nov 17, 2012 at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Parish, Newmarket, Ont.
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YRCC sings at the Winter 2012 Concert, "Together for the Holidays" on Dec 2, 2012 at Trinity Anglican Church, Aurora, Ont.
YRCC sings at the Winter 2012 Concert, "Together for the Holidays" on Dec 2, 2012 at Trinity Anglican Church, Aurora, Ont.
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Our fearless leader, Renate, as YRCC sings at the Winter 2012 Concert, "Together for the Holidays" on Dec 2, 2012 at Trinity Anglican Church, Aurora, Ont.
Our fearless leader, Renate, as YRCC sings at the Winter 2012 Concert, "Together for the Holidays" on Dec 2, 2012 at Trinity Anglican Church, Aurora, Ont.
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YRCC sings at the Winter 2012 Concert, "Together for the Holidays" on Dec 2, 2012 at Trinity Anglican Church, Aurora, Ont.
YRCC sings at the Winter 2012 Concert, "Together for the Holidays" on Dec 2, 2012 at Trinity Anglican Church, Aurora, Ont.
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Lauren Solar and Patricia (Trix) Verge singing "Sisters" - YRCC Winter 2012 Concert, "Together for the Holidays" on Dec 2, 2012 at Trinity Anglican Church, Aurora, Ont.
Lauren Solar and Patricia (Trix) Verge singing "Sisters" - YRCC Winter 2012 Concert, "Together for the Holidays" on Dec 2, 2012 at Trinity Anglican Church, Aurora, Ont.
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Winter Concert poster December, 2012
Winter Concert poster December, 2012
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Janet and Kevin rehearse at Trinity United in Newmarket, Dec. 2011
Janet and Kevin rehearse at Trinity United in Newmarket, Dec. 2011
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Small Group rehearsal at Trinity United in Dec. 2011
Small Group rehearsal at Trinity United in Dec. 2011
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Performance at St. Andrews in Aurora (2010?)
Performance at St. Andrews in Aurora (2010?)
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Enid Maize, an inspiration, a choir sister, and a good friend. St. Andrews in Aurora (2010?)
Enid Maize, an inspiration, a choir sister, and a good friend. St. Andrews in Aurora (2010?)
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Senior's Tour performance with Svetlana conducting. Winter 2007
Senior's Tour performance with Svetlana conducting. Winter 2007
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Seniors Tour performance winter 2006?
Seniors Tour performance winter 2006?
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Seniors Tour performances are always special. Remember when we had our red binders for Christmas/Winter season performances?
Seniors Tour performances are always special. Remember when we had our red binders for Christmas/Winter season performances?
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2006 with Svetlana and Peter
2006 with Svetlana and Peter
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2009 at RHCPA performing for Character Community Awards
2009 at RHCPA performing for Character Community Awards
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We have lots of fun on our Seniors tours! Isn't it nice to have photos of our old friends looking so great?!
We have lots of fun on our Seniors tours! Isn't it nice to have photos of our old friends looking so great?!
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Heather and her guitars are surely missed! This was at St. Andrews when we performed at a fundraiser to thank them for their support with rehearsal space.
Heather and her guitars are surely missed! This was at St. Andrews when we performed at a fundraiser to thank them for their support with rehearsal space.
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Our Sylvia, so humble and such a powerhouse
Our Sylvia, so humble and such a powerhouse
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A super small group: Boogie Woogie Man
A super small group: Boogie Woogie Man
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Renate conducts and acts as MC at our concerts.
Renate conducts and acts as MC at our concerts.
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Trix embroidered the golden notes on the ties
Trix embroidered the golden notes on the ties
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Squeezing in at Trinity United in Newmarket
Squeezing in at Trinity United in Newmarket
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YRPMC In Harmony with the Community concert Nov.2011
YRPMC In Harmony with the Community concert Nov.2011
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We're there in white, queezed in on the left, at the YRPMC concert. One of 4 choirs
We're there in white, queezed in on the left, at the YRPMC concert. One of 4 choirs
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Renate's making the choir hold a note (like her hero, Bugs Bunny)
Renate's making the choir hold a note (like her hero, Bugs Bunny)
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Singing at Upper Canada Mall Summer 2012
Singing at Upper Canada Mall Summer 2012
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A photo shoot after a performance at the Mall to celebrate Canada at the 2012 Olympics.
A photo shoot after a performance at the Mall to celebrate Canada at the 2012 Olympics.
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At Upper Canada Mall
At Upper Canada Mall
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Our favourite trio, Kevin, Janet, and Kevin
Our favourite trio, Kevin, Janet, and Kevin
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Renate sings with Bill, The Prayer, 2011
Renate sings with Bill, The Prayer, 2011
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It was cold! Newmarket Winter Fair (what year was that?)
It was cold! Newmarket Winter Fair (what year was that?)
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Winter Concert 2011 at Trinity United in Newmarket
Winter Concert 2011 at Trinity United in Newmarket
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The lovely Sapphire. What an awesome musician!
The lovely Sapphire. What an awesome musician!
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